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Station of this Destination is full of blights (and calamities).
It is not easy to cover the trays and the essence and the calibers of the
of Faqar but there are thousands of caves (and tunnels)
in this Course. Here Kaamil Complete Murshid is needed who is
good companion and Master of Taufeeq and does not part the Mureed
from the gaze in both Inward and Outward same like the
king sun that keeps its gaze
upon stone. Same like this, the Murshid-e-Kaamil
, keeps focus of gaze
upon the Seeker the Master of Sidq
the Yak-Dil
(agreeable) and Yak-Rang
(sincere). Nevertheless, the Sidq and Yaqeen
of the Seeker is always the correction (and refinement) of the good and
bad of his Nafs and the Murshid is like a spy unto the deeds of
goodness and vice. That pretender Seeker is refractory and the enemy of
the life of the Murshid (who) does not keep him under the authority of
the Murshid. Such unblessed Outcast seeker cannot be called Seeker.
The Taalib-e-Haqeeqi (Real-Seeker ) the adorer of Haq, Mast
the Wahdaniyyat
of Almighty Evolver ABYAAT (COUPLETS) Ascertain
the condition of the Seekers from their questions, They
ask questions of every kind [compelled by] their Demand, Dead
Seekers of carcass Dunya
(World) are numerous, And worshippers of desires are also many, The
of Lord His
Nafs is Dead, heart is Living and his Ruh is Pure
(holy), When
the dust of the feet of the Murshid, the Seeker dusts from his
eyelids, Then
his Nafs is pulled by the Gaze of the Murshid , If
the Seeker of Haq
is not dedicated (and selfless), Then
such Seeker is the brigand of his own demands. O
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