this, tears poured from his
blessed eyes and his highness said that 'O Muaaz! My Ummat
will be raised in
ten groups. Some will be in form of apes, some in form of pigs and some will be
in inverted figures, that is, their feet will be up and heads down and some
will be blind and some deaf and some will be dumb and some will be such that
they will bite their tongues and pus will be falling from their mouths thus. That
pus will fall on their bosoms and some will be with their hands and feet cut away
and some in state of crucifixion and some on the branches of wood on fire and
some will be unclean and smelly and carcass and some will be covered with shrouds
of fire that will be tearing their skin into pieces. Hence, they, who will be
in shape of apes will be those people, who use to tittle-tattle in public and
they who will be the face of pigs will be those, who take bribes and they, who
will be in inverted form, are those who earn interest on money and they, who
will be blind, are those people who are cruel in their rule but the blind and
dumb will be those who are indulged in pride and glory but they, who act
contradictory to their word, the will be the Aalim
and Faazil
and those who
will be with their hands and feet cut away, are those people who give
discomfort to their neighbors and those who will be in state of crucifixion are
those who use to complain in front of kings and the unclean and smelly more
than stinking carcass will be those who enjoy worldly pleasures and do not give
money and wealth to Allah
Almighty [that is, those who do not spend in the
of God Almighty] and those who will be covered by shrouds of fire are they
who take pride and show glory.
Noble Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam has said this that his Ummat is that whose action is
the Authentic-Text
(the Purview and Precept), the Hadis
and the Holy Quran.'
Because: the Ummat of the Holy Prophet of Allah Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam is unblemished (and chaste) and
the Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam is also unblemished
(and chaste) from the top to toe with the Noor of Allah
Almighty and
the Mercy of Allah
Almighty. That Ummat , which is the Master of stint,
the Master of Shirk
and the Master of Nifaaq
, the Noble Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam is not pleased with it.
keeping on to be Ummat is very difficult. Ummat is Momin and
Muslim. This is not Ummat that is in Demand for Dunya
and is affected by the desire and greed and grudge and Nifaaq
, and is the
follower of Satan.