Entire Material World in general and "the resources wealth pomp and riches of physical world" a mammon desired for or amassed in greed not for totally spending it for the Cause of Allah at the same time when is received. Hazrat Sultan Bahu has said that "Every that thing which distracts you from your Lord its name is Dunya (World)" "Dunya (World) is a carrion carcass and its Seeker is a dog" (P09-P25 Ganj ul Asraar). According to Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi Dunya (World) is a nuisance in every case. At P13 of Ganj ul Asraar it is written that: Lo! If the Liking for Dunya (World) even of the size of barely seed is present inside the heart of any person then if all the Honorable Aulia-Allah Rahmatullahi Taala Alaihim Ajmaeen on the face of earth unite [and give him Tawajuh] but until he keeps Liking for the Dunya (World) in his heart it does not leave his heart [the Marifat will remain unattainable by him] because of the fact that the blackness bad blood and blight in the heart keep him away of the Course of Marifat because the Liking for Dunya (World) is as the likeness of a lethal poison [for the Seeker] and moreover with the fatal poison only life ends but with the Liking for Dunya (World) the Eimaan is lost! For specific meanings and more details please also read P24 Ganj ul Asraar P18 Muhkumul Faqara P38 Didaar Bakhsh Klaan P68 Jamey ul Asraar P27 Qurb e Didaar P53 Asraar ul Qadiri P17 P35 P39 P44 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P15-16-17-18 69 Jamey ul Asraar P07 Emir ul Konain P124 Aqal Baidaar P31 P143 Ain ul Faqar P49 P68 P69 P281 P302 P303 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Dunya (World) is bad in both ways whether is earned by Halaal means or by Haraam means and that earning of Halaal is also bad which one spends on Haraam things P352 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. It is revealed from this that for the Tassaruf of Dunya (World) is because of ones nearness to Satan (P20 Taigh e Barhana). That person who asserts claim that both the Deen and the Dunya (World) have been granted to him he lies and does wrong! (P12 Noor ul Huda Khurd). Also see P06 Ain ul Arifeen P17 Asraar ul Qadiri P186 P188 P210 P212 P219 P223 P224 Ain ul Faqar P51 P54-55 P58 P67 P167-68 P242 P256 P260 P270 P392 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan.