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HADIS (Saying
of the Holy Prophet of Allah The
leader of the nation is Servant of Faqeers . The
Holy Prophet of Allah The
Holy Prophet of Allah The
Holy Prophet of Allah Man's
whole body is black by the darkness of the ignorance. If there were not the Ilm
of Divine, which is like sun, it rises and shows endless light and there
lasts no darkness of any kind. That is, the sensuality and the satanic sins leave
the heart completely by the deeds of virtue and this [Taufeeq ] is with
the Ulema-e-Aamil , Arifeen
and Waasileen-Bi-Allah . That Aalim-Aamil
is such ultimate, is the Kaamil
. This is the very Qalb-e-Saleem
and this is the very Hidayat of the Straight Path: (the
path of whom) You have favored; not (the path) of those who earn Your anger nor
of those who astray (1:7) This
Station accesses unto Samadiyat (the eternity). Allah
Almighty Allah SHARAH [OF
the Night of the Holy Ascension, the Holy Prophet of Allah Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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