that Muraqiba through which, the access unto the Majlis of Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
remains unachieved through the Auspiciousness
(and blessing) of the Name Allah
, it is found that such person is unblessed.
Seek refuge in Allah
against this!
. That Ilm , which is discovered through
the Ain ul Uloom
, that Ilm is the extraordinary special
and that Ilm , which is of Qeel-O-Qaal , is [Imperfect]
since ever.
Station of the Qalb Shanaas (identifier) is of the Marifat
of the Lord of Worlds
which is related to the quietness of Ahwaal and the initial Station
of the Word of Pure (holy) Words of Revelation is of Laaa-Ilaaha
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah (Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam)
. That is, when we declared
that none other than You is worthy of worship, with right argument, this was the
claim that we do not fear any person other than the Evolver the Essence
. And we do not hope from
anyone but from that Absolute Essence
. And when we fear from a person other than
You and hope from anyone other than You, our assertion will be illogical and fake.
Eimaan of such people will be of the use of Kaafir and the
hypocrites will get rid of. Same like this if the creatures sees us, we cannot commit
a sin before their eye and Allah
Almighty sees us and we commit hundreds of
sins daily before His eyes and we often transgress in Major and Minor
(venial) level. Hence, it is because we from the creatures and fear not
from the Creator. Hence, he, who fears the creatures and does not fear God,
will he be a Momin or a Kaafir? Similarly, if a Kaafir doctor
asks us not to eat a certain thing to avoid risk of life; we at once give up
eating that thing. [But that thing, in order to ask us to give it up], about
One Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam
appointed by God and all said same as was said by our Holy Prophet of Allah
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
for Dunya
(World) is the root of all sins and Tark
of Dunya
(World) is the peak of every worship.

Demand for Faqar is the Demand for Allah
Almighty. In
addition, Demand for Faqar is the Demand for the Holy
Prophet Hazrat
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
. Moreover, Demand
for Faqar is the Demand for the Holy Companions Radhi-ya-Allahu
Ta-aala Anhum
the Holy Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
And Demand for Faqar is the Demand for the Aulia-Allah Rahmatu-Allah
Ta'ala Alaihim
. And Demand for the Ilm
and Amal is the Demand for Taqwa and Taqwa is
in the Demand for the Hidayat .