Hawa (Desire) impedes the way unto the Cleanliness of Inward and
it deprives a person from the sanctified Majlis of Hazrat
Mustafa [Moreover,
O Seeker
!] He, who learned Ilm but did not Practice upon it (Amal
), is unsuccessful and he, who learned Ilm [and did Amal
on it], Ilm made him Danaa Bi Allah
(Sagacious with Allah) and Yaqana
(unified). On the other hand, that person, who found the Martaba of
Dunya (World) from Ilm and kept Ilm as the way and means
for accumulating Dunya (World), is unified with Dunya
(World) and Outsider of God. He cannot be said to be Aalim
but he is entirely a brigand and a Jaahil Aalim
. He, who gives
respect to Dunya (World), it is as if he gives respect to Satan
and it
is as if he gives respect to Nafs . and he, who gives respect to Nafs
, it is as if he gives respect to Hawa [carnal desires]. And
he who gives respect to the desire, he remains deprived of Allah
Almighty, the honor of Didaar the Majlis of-Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam Allah
Almighty The
Noble Prophet of Allah The
writer [Faqeer Bahu
O Seeker], by knowing Ilm (knowledge), two things are got. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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