Hazrat Sultan ul Arifeen the Sultan ul Fuqara Hazrat Shaikh Sultan Bahu (Bahoo) (May Allah santify his secret) was the Fifth Sultan ul Fuqara and Sayyed ul Konain. He becomes Wali-Allah who happens to see my face (P44 Noor ul Huda Klaan). There is absolute scarcity of True-Seekers otherwise it is my proclamation for every Seeker that the Seeker of Haq should swear by Allah and the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam to Demand all his quests from me and I swear by Allah Almighty to deliver him his objectives because I possess full Taufeeq and complete ability in the Qadiri (Sufi) Order! (P101 Aqal Baidaar). Every Seeker of Bahu Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe enjoys the rank of Murshid (P66 Noor ul Huda Klaan). O Seeker! Demand from me which you want and cherish a desire of receiving from me I will myself grant it you or I will get it granted to you from God (P100 Noor ul Huda Klaan). For further details of his life and Manaqib please read from P171-172 (P136) of Makhzan al Asraar of Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammad Sarwari Qadiri Kalachwi Rahmatullah Alaihi P102-103 Emir ul Konain P4 P5 P176 Aqal Baidaar P151 P171 Ain ul Faqar P26 P54 P124 P182 P214 Noor ul Huda Klaan.