(the word) Ilm, Aien, Laam and Meem, are three letters of alphabet, Aalim
becomes sagacious after acquiring Ilm , In
Ilm, Aien, Laam and Meem, are three letters of alphabet, Aalim
becomes a Mard Hakeem (wise) after acquiring Ilm , In
Ilm, Aien, Laam and Meem, are three letters of alphabet, The
Straight Path is found through Ilm , In
Ilm, Aien, Laam and Meem, are three letters of alphabet, Aalim
becomes a Mard Kareem (Noble) after acquiring Ilm , In
Ilm, Aien, Laam and Meem, are three letters of alphabet, Human
being becomes Aalim with Qalb-e-Saleem through Ilm , Hazrat
Mustafa Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam has the honor by this word, As
the Truths are eavesdroppers of the Secret of Lord, There is not paper neither is any mark of ink, There
is only the Wahdat of the Secret of Lord. [O
True-Seeker!] Be enlightened that the (efficacious) effectiveness
(and the impact) of the Ilm depends upon reading the names of the
letters. Hence, that person who read the Ilm of Tauheed purely
for Allah
(Hasba-Tu-Allah) and read in the name of God then on the
basis of the Ilm of Tasawvuf, the indecent actions like lust and
jealousy and anger and resentment get eliminated from him body [and the gateway
to the Ilm and Marifat opens for him]. And that person, who
studied Ilm for only Dunya (World) in the name of Satan, Nafs
and sensual desires then the letters of Dunya (World), letters of Satan,
letters of Nafs
and letter of Desires keep him barred from the Zikr Fikr
and the Marifat of God. But the Faqeers the Haafiz-e-Rabbani
neither study nor know nor take anything besides the Zikr of the Provider. They get the Jamiyat of
soul only from that Eternal Essence. [O
True-Seeker !] Lo! Faqeer has no affection for Dunya
(World) and the People-of-Dunya [and why should it be]. Moreover,
they believe People-of-Dunya enemy of God. And the Ulema who do not
practice on Ilm
(Bey-Amal ) have tendency and agreeableness unto Dunya
(World) and People-of-Dunya because their link is with Satan
[and it
is a reality that] agreeableness with Satan
means agreeableness with the Nafs
and Nafs has agreeableness with Hawa (desire). Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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