True-Seeker !] Lo! That Sawaab , which is in the Holy Tauraat
(The Torah), the Holy Injeel (The Gospel), the Zaboor (The
Psalms) and the Holy Quran,
same Auspiciousness (and blessing) and Sawaab is in the Surah
Al Fatihah. Moreover, that Auspiciousness (and blessing) and Sawaab
which is in the Surah Al Fatihah is in the Bis-milla-he-Rah-maani-Ra-heem. And that Auspiciousness
(and blessing) and Sawaab, which is in the Bis-milla-he-Rah-maani-Ra-heem, that very Auspiciousness
(and blessing) and Sawaab is in the Takbeer e Oola. And that Auspiciousness
(and blessing) and Sawaab, which is in the Takbeer e Oola, is
in the Takbeer e Tahreema (Allahu Akbar). And that Auspiciousness (and blessing)
and Sawaab which is in the Holy Tauraat (The Torah), the Holy Injeel
(The Gospel), the Zaboor (The Psalms), the
Holy Quran, Surah
Al Fatihah, Bis-milla-he-Rah-maani-Ra-heem, Takbeer e Oola and Takbeer
e Tahreema (Allahu Akbar),
that all is in the Sharah (exposition) of the Word 'Allah'. [Hence, it is revealed that that Aamiyyat
(universality) and] Jaameiyyat (comprehensiveness) which is included
in the Name Allah,
is all in just the Zikr of the Name Allah. Remembrance
of Allah
Almighty done in abundance has the welfare of the Zaakireen -Allah is the Highest, the Most Respectful, the Most Reverent and the Greatest. If
the entire creatures of the Eighteen Thousand Realms become worried and
concerned [keeping on praising Almighty Lord all the time], even then the Auspiciousness
(and blessing) and Sawaab of the Name Allah cannot be registered! Whoso, who is
denier of the Zikr of Allah, Name of Allah, Marifat of Allah
the Hidayat
of Faqar
, becomes denier of all Scriptures, all Angels,
all Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam,
all Holy Companions Radhi-ya-Allahu Ta-aala Anhum, all Ulema
and all Faqeers. Moreover, he will be a renegade of the Hidayat
of Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and the Deen (Faith) of-Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam. [O
Seeker!] Do you know that the Kuffaar, the Jews and the Christian
have denied the Name Allah whereas the Muslims and the Companions were the enemies of idols? The
Jews and the Christians have bad feeling for the Name of Allah. 'Battle with the
house of war' is because of this reason. The Holy Quran enjoins Hazrat
Muhammad upon killing the Kuffaar
of the quarters of war. The
battle with the Kuffaar continued for four days. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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