I used to keep standing in front of you all the day but you did never invite me
to sit down. Now I serve that Lord RESPONSE OF WRITER
[Faqeer Bahu
True-Seeker ! Listen] Beneficence is the Way of Faqar
and the Beneficence is universal, The
Shirk is Way of Dunya (World) filled by jealousy all over. BAYT (COUPLET) Abnegate
Dunya (World), come on the Course
of Allah Almighty wholly, Hazrat
Muhammad Mustafa [Hence,
it is revealed that] the Ilm of Shariyat is the Condescension (with
complaisance) of Lord and by the Faiz (Beneficence) is meant
the Fazal (Grace) of Allah
and Word of Saint implies the Word
of Allah which is the Waseela unto Greatness of the Hereafter
for every believer. And the Nafs is Impure (unholy) devil -a
means unto the carrion carcass of Dunya (World). May Allah
ruin and destroy
him in the world and he should become a People of Dunya and evildoer
(tyrant), who makes sacred Ilm the means of getting Dunya
(World)! If the evildoer (tyrant) of Dunya (World) becomes Aalim
, there would be none worse more than him in the world and the Next
World. That is: Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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