becomes victim of vanity, pride, desires of Nafs , and finds pleasure in
the tastes of Dunya (World) and with Martaba of worldly fame and dignity.
O True-Seeker !] The Ulema the Masters of Qaal
(speech) keep not
trust with the Marifat of Lord
, the Qurb of God and Wisaal
in Inward. [On the other hand,] when the heart of the Zaakireen
Faqeers starts chanting the Name of Allah
by virtue of the Zikr
of Allah
, the tongue
becomes totally dead for utterance (that is, becomes speechless) as has
come in Hadis:
(Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
person, who identified his Lord
, his tongue turned mute (and speechless) thus.

O Real-Seeker !] Be informed that Shariyat has the Station
of tongue that is,
Qaal (utterance)
Iqraar (Declaration).
And the Station of Tareeqat is Qalb . Due to Zikr
of the Masti of Haal
, when the heart becomes Living with the Name
by of the motion
of Qalb then the Nafs turns all Dead with the (efficacious)
effectiveness (and the impact) of the Name Allah
. How can one ascertain dying of the Nafs
? [Its proof is this that] lust and jealousy, arrogance and greed and desire
and ravenousness last no more in the body of the Zaakir-e-Qalbi and he
totally comes out of the dispute (Chun-O-Chara ). Whoso, who has left dispute
(Chun-O-Chara ), his heart becomes free of Khatraat . The
, when reaches onto these Maratib , [thence] he avails the Majlis
of the Holy Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam
and the Aulia-Allah
in the Inward by
virtue of the Perpetual Purity of the Qalb. When the Majlis of
the Holy Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam
and the Aulia-Allah
becomes Share of the Zaakir-e-Qalbi
for forever, he, because of the Auspiciousness (and blessing) of
the overflowing Beneficence of their company and the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
becomes such a Roshan-Zamir as sun flames at sunrise.
the Mushahida of the Secrets of the Mysteries
of Lord
is always availed by the Zaakir-e-Qalbi
because the very evidence of the Mushahida of the Jamaal of Lord
is the Wisaal for the Zaakir-e-Qalbi. That person, who causes
motion in the cluster of flesh (heart) as formality and practice, is not
the Zaakir-e-Qalbi. And they, who read keeping link with the buckle
cavity and tongue, their reality is exposed. Such are they who are quite far away
of the Maratib of the Faqeers and Dervishes and are indulged
in the reveries of the beauty and charm and Sarood (music-and-warble
). They are deprived of Wisaal of Marifat of God.