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who reads the Ocean of the Holy Quran; is diver. Reciting Dawat through
the Holy Quran, with the Kaamil Ilm
of Takseer and the Dawat of
the Aamil
Mukammil (complete), near the grave of a Shaheed (Martyr)
or say near the grave of the a Faqeer Fanaa-Fi-Allah
(Destroyed in Allah BAYT (COUPLET) O
not give such news to the Ahl-al-Wasool ! [O
True-Seeker!] It should be known that those people, who bring such Dawat
into Action and face the burden of sadism (from others) and do
not give harm to anybody and keep watch on their every Haal and remain Conscientious
(and observant), such Faqeers the People-of-Dawat
are the Masters
of Power, not powerless because the Seeker of Lord BAYT (COUPLET) [The
earth] and heavens and Angels are below the feet of the Faqeer , It
is better to remain always under the shade of Faqeer . Hazrat
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