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the People-of-Dawat have Hazoori of
Almighty, The
egotist Murshid is of the People of arrogance. The
Muntahi (Ultimate) Master of Dawat
, if gazes upon someone
with the Jazba (mystique and emotion) of Coercion (Qehar) and displeasure,
he, at the same moment, with the Order of God Almighty, will become dead
from life because the emotion of the Coercion of Faqeers is the model of
the Coercion of God. And in case, he gazes upon someone
with the Jazba (mystique and emotion) of absolute sincerity (and
single-mindedness), that person, [at the same instant], will become Living-Hearted
and the Special Seeker
of Lord Mostly
people say that 'their Pir is Khus (average fellow) [O
True-Seeker!] Be informed that the Jununiyat and Muakalaat
come in control by Dawat
and Dawat is used for the Hazooriyaat ,
Conquests (Musakharaat ), (and) Haziraat
of the Holy Spirits
of all Holy
Prophets Alaihimus-Salaam It
should be known that the Kaamil Aamil
the Knight-Rider
Reader of Dawat
should approach unto the grave at night and he should recite around that grave.
[Thus] if the Roohani appears (and attends him) or completes a task as
he had desired in every Tareeq (way) with Waham and Thought
and if this is not, then it is found that the Master of Grave is the
Dominant or the Noor of Allah conducts to him because of the blessing
of the Word of God. That is the reason why he (is lax and) delays
the task. In
the event thereof, the Reader of Dawat should ride on the grave like
horse. Although it is sin to sit on a grave but, in Islam, this is correct
(and complete) Course
for (accomplishing crucial) venture and for benefiting
the common and proper Muslims people! Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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