should be in knowledge] that every Station opens up by Shariyat
and every Tareeqat comes in Shariyat . [Thus] the Faqeer
Arif-Bi-Allah the Seeker
of Lord keeps firm grip on Shariyat .
No Karamat and no Station is better than the Name Allah
. If whole earth and all
leaves of trees and the deserts transform into paper and the mankind and
Angels and Jinn
all become inscribers and the trees and branched grasses
become pen and the rain water, rivers and wells become ink, the Sawaab
of one time utterance of Yaa Allah
cannot be recorded even if the pens keep on
moving until the Day of Decision! Thus, what will you know of the Name Allah
that the dead bodies [in
graves] are always humbly requesting that 'O Lord
! Give us life (again) so that we can say Yaa Allah
Jalla Jalaluhu
again after going in world'.
The worth and value of the Name Allah
, the value and worth of the recitation of the
of Lord, the value and worth of the Faqeer Arif-Bi-Allah and the
value and worth of the Majlis of-Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
will be realized after death. You
will know the reality of these Maratib of the highest only by the bounty
and favor of Allah
last, Muhammad Mustafa Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam 
? revealed that 'he
who saw me
, it [is as if]
he saw Allah',
you stuffed with carnal desires! For how long will you remain behind Hijaab ?
with Pak Deen
, revealed the Secret of his Kashf ,
is like (red) Spinel (gem); you should learn it with Yaqeen .
who identified his Nafs '
is identified with its good or bad character.
By 'he, who identified his Lord
, Lord
is identified., 'He, who identified his
by Muhabbat
, privity, Marifat
and through His Wisaal, became favorite of the gaze
in the sacred Majlis of the Holy Prophet Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
. 'He, thus, identified his Lord
? and he, who did identify his Lord
, he Drowned and lost
himself in the Wahdaniyyat !
Holy Prophet of Allah
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
said that: He, who saw me
verily, he saw Haq
because Satan
cannot become as my likeness or of the
likeness of Ka'ba. O Momin! He, who saw me
in dream, he, verily, saw me
because the Satan
has no ability to disguise
in a figure exactly like the Prophet.