Marifat (Marifat or Ma-rifah or Marifa) literally means: (Divine) cognition cognizance deepest knowledge and identification or the Divine Knowledge of the utmost level. Some people use word Gnosis for Ma-rifat. At P93 Jamey ul Asraar Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihe says that Ain Ba Ain seeing is called Marifat. He who saw he then did not see his self. In another book he says that he who has identified he saw; he who has seen he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif-Bi-Allah who has attained the Marifat of the Lord the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fanaa (Destruction) middle is Baqaa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. At P53 Emir ul Konain Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihe says that The sign of Marifat is that one should possess the Qurb of God. When comfort by Ruh and Life by Qalb have been achieved you can believe that this is the very Ultimate of the Faqar Ilm and Marifat (P18 Fazal ul Liqaa). In absence of Taqwa the Marifat and Tauheed of Lord cannot be achieved (P65 Emir ul Konain). Marifat is the [name of] Hairat (P22 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd). The parable of the Station of Shariyat is like running well and the example of the Station of Tareeqat is like cloud and wind and (the example of) the Station of Haqeeqat is like the beneficial rain and (the example of) the Station of Marifat is like the Aab e Joo (a nonalcoholic beer) (P101 Ain ul Faqar). You know this that Taqwa is the kernel of the Marifat of God (P30 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan). It should be known [O True-Seeker!] that Faqar Marifat Zikr Fikr Muraqiba Mukashifa Destination and Stations and the Kashf and Karamaat although it is very hard to suffer (and endure) so much silently for the Tajalliyaat of the Noor but (still one) did not began on Marifat like the Qabz and Bast Sukr Sehve suffering (and enduring) so much silently burning inside the Fire of Ishq permanently falling in the Fire of the Muhabbat of Lord. For this remaining concerned and curious for the Demand of the Didaar of Lord and keeping on waiting day and night. Having beyond the limits the Hankering (with curiosity) for the Wisaal and Meeting with the Essence and Wisaal by Death on the Promise of Uqba and sacrificing your soul for this - all of them are the Beginning of Marifat of Lord and Faqar! (P107 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan). (For specific meanings and more details please also see P148 Aqal Baidaar P47 P79 Jamey ul Asraar P20 Kaleed e Tauheed P38 Asraar ul Qadiri P31-P37-P51-P52-P53-P62 Emir ul Konain P41 Aqal Baidaar P31 Qurb e Didaar P12 Fazal ul Liqaa P172 Ain ul Faqar P108 Noor ul Huda Klaan P01-P02-P03 P09-10 P34 P284 P286 P315 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan)