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HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah That
person, who said Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah (there is
none worthy of worship except Allah; Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah) purely
with absolute sincerity (and single-mindedness), will enter the Garden
without Accountability (and answer) and Punishment. People respectfully
asked his highness HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah They
are in majority who say Laaa-Ilaaha
Ill-Allahu but the sincere (and
single-minded) ones are few. He, who said Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah/there is none worthy of worship except Allah;
Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah
with devotion and absolute sincerity (and
single-mindedness), he will enter Garden without Accountability (and answer)
and Punishment. The
Kalimah, (read) by the Specials, when the Master of Zikr beats
the heart with its twelve beats on twelve places, every Station
is achieved with the Auspiciousness (and blessing) of the Laaa-Ilaaha
Almighty When,
he gives the second beat of Laaa-Ilaaha Allah Almighty Allah
Almighty has knowledge of every state and He is with the human being in life as
well as death. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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