after cutting fourth hair, the Enlightenment of heart and the Noor
of God
should come inside the body of Mureed and vindictiveness should stop
existing. Then, after cutting the fifth hair, he should get Kaamil Mushahida
and egotism should die in his body. And when sixth hair is cut, the Majalis
of the Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam
and the Aulia-Allah should
become available to him and anger should leave his body. And upon the cutting
of the seventh hair, the Mureed should all at once attain unto the Real
Mushahida and the taste of Tahqeeq of Almighty Haq and should make him Bey-Hijaab
from Hijaab and there should not last any curtain in between him
and Allah
Almighty . This
is the very Unremitting (fixity of) Istaghraaq which is got
through the Gaze of the Murshid-e-Kaamil . That Murshid ,
who himself is the seeker of carcass Dunya
(World), his Seekers
are People of Wine and Bidat
. They are like the ox of (mustard) oil
is the chance that the Pir will let the Mureed eat the carcass
in the Inward as well as the Outward and in case he has eaten,
that carcass does not become part of his body and thus, it is expelled
out either through vomiting or loose motions. This is the first mark of the
glory of the Pir, not of that Pir who is worried for Dunya
(World). It is compulsory for the Pir that first of all he should
make the seven spheres and seven heavens clear on the Mureed and let him
study the Loh-e-Mahfooz . He is the complete Pir who takes the Mureed
onto these Maratib by cutting seven hairs, if not, he is not Pir
but he is barber.
of the book Faqeer (Bahu Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala
Alaihe )
says: No! No! I have said wrong. Even such Pir is of Nasoot and is
Imperfect and Incomplete. Accepting oblations and gifts from Mureedain
is Haraam (not allowed) for him. Such Zann-Mureed (devotees of women)
Piraan with Taufeeq of the aforesaid way are many. And what Maratib
are of the Pir in the world? That is, accepting the worldly people
as Mureedain is absolute meanness and Haraam (illicit) way of
livelihood. Dark heart is in demand of sin day and night. Keeping eye onto
(and hoping for) the worldly progress, popularity and contacts and ceremonies
by the Pir from the Mureed and the conviction that the Pir
makes the Jinn
and Devils disciples of Mureedain in the Inward ,
is devilment and rather [such Pir is] himself Satan
because when a Worldly
person turns his face away of the Pir , then the Jinn, Satan
Devils come in his dream at night in the appearance of Pir and throw the
worldly person down from his bed using the Satanic army. Hence,
when he wakes up from sleep, goes to the service of the Pir respectfully
and expresses about his state of affairs and the Ahwaal of Jununiyat in
this way that his Pir is very powerful and he is not aware of the