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are always resolute in devoutness and are the Masters of Shameem
(scent) and this reason is the prerequisite of willingness to serve as
well-wisher. Let's introduce the accident in the state of affairs. If the sun
will emit its ray as is always does, I request to the court of the crown-bearing
king! The
king of Aqal
(wisdom) ordered: Say! The uprightness laid its head
in humbleness on the ground and after kissing the threshold of the throne of
the domain humbly said that it is expedient that the face of his majesty
the king favor facing his face unto the gardens of Eimaan and the
vision unto the river of the Irfaan and his highness should himself
favor examination as the garden of Eimaan has faced deterioration
because of the abuse (of power) by the People of revolt and the substance
of principles tied and even trees became helpless in bearing the heaviness
of the compliance to the orders and power and the birds of thoughtful
reflection and conscience caged and the perception (and knowledge) lost
its limbs and wings! ABYAAT (COUPLETS) The garden has been smashed by autumn, And the floodwater has destroyed flowers, Garden is now a deserted place for the cuckoo and mourning dove, Instead
crow is cawing in place of their songs. And
then the Nafs-e-Ammara is addressed with anger and brow beat after the Mushahida
(observation) that such a subtle and charming garden and attractive
and beautify rose garden reached such plight in its tenure of ministry. It showed
that you do not have good sense of progress (and service) but attention is the destruction
of the territory. It better that you should surrender the office of the management
and administration of guardianship of global states to favor of the Ilm
and Shariyat
. Upon listening to this word
disappointment be on the cheeks
and despair on faces of the rebels all the time and they will not answer according
to question turning their head away by the illustrations of such words. Then
will show calculations gathering in crowd. Then I will establish strong
arguments and good pleas and logical reasons on the right of the membership of
parliament and the ministry and will prove the claimant right and
the People of revolt bound in front of the heavenly court and
will make them abashed in presence of all the kingpins (and pillars) of the
state. When the army and subjects will become aware of their low
knowledge, they will choose defection. Parliament and ministry will come in
our power (and control) and the king will also attain his real objective. The
king examined the garden of Eimaan well in the (light of the) contents
of the reminder and the Ilm of Shariyat
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