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the condition of the (safety and wellbeing) of the garden is this that when the
dawn breaks, he should search his garden and remove all thrones and unwanted
weeds from it and throw them outside leaving nothing besides the Original Saplings
and the Fervor
of the Wasal
. So, when the Momin enters the Garden
of Tauheed
, throws the thistle of the Shirk and Kufr out; and when
he comes in the Garden of Ilm
, throws the thorns of the silliness and
ignorance away; and when the Momin visits the Garden of Forbearance,
eliminates the weed of disobedience and defiance; and when the Momin
comes in the Garden of Benevolence, eradicates thistle of the Bukhal
(niggardliness) and cupidity; and when the Momin arrives in
the Garden of Tawakul
, removes the unwanted plant of lust and jealousy;
and when the Momin comes in the Garden of Kismet, effaces the teasel
of enmity and Nifaaq ; and when the Momin sees the Garden of
Sunnat, clears the prickles of Bidat and Riya
(Hypocrisy and Duplicity);
and when he arrives in the Garden of Fear, uproots the thistles of the
arrogance and vanity; and when the Momin reaches the Garden of Hope,
clears the thorns of the back-biting and bribe; and the time the Momin
comes in
the Garden of Tawazeh
(courtesy and service), throws away the thorn of superciliousness
and pride'. When this lady gave this detailed account about the Ten Gardens,
the Saint cried Ah alas! The lady said that 'O Shaikh! Are you falling ill or
felt an ache that you are crying?' Shaikh
said 'Of course! Disease is in my
career. Please probe into it'. Lady said that 'O Shaikh! Bring myrobalan
of Taqwa and seal your both lips tight and pour the water of
tears in pure ignominy as why did you not practiced your knowledge and
committed disobedience. In addition, seal the pot of stomach and burn the Fire
of Ishq under it and keep on eating the poison of poverty every day
and night in dose of this medicine so that you should get perfect health and
get freedom from the exertions of the Dunya (World). This
prescription (and recipe) is authentic and tested one!' Writer
of the book (Faqeer Bahu
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