who discovered the Ain , identified Lord
and he who found exactly (Ain) the Lord
, became exactly (Ain) Arif-Bi-Allah
. Letter Alif
implies that he should not love with anything other than Haq
. And by letter Raa
, he becomes the seer of
the Secret and the Haq-ul-Yaqeen . And letter Faa
indicates that he should miss the Outward
acts of worship of the Obligations, Waajib (Essential) Sunnat
and Recommendatory (Mustahib). That person, who is equipped with
these calibers, is the Arif-Bi-Allah of the Sustainer
otherwise not and is like an ungracious
Arif is not easy. There are great Secrets of Allah
Almighty inside
the Marifat of Lord.
the heart [of the Wali-Allah ] has become wakeful (and enlightened), by
the Mushahida (sighting) the Noor of Lord
, it never falls in slumber of ignorance and does
never become disqualified (Salb ) from Azal till Abad and
it dies never.
of Arifeen is better than other's keeping vigil (the nightlong),
And their dream is better than seeing the sight of the Garden (Jannah),
who turned his Ruh alive after killing his Nafs and body, he
dreams not,
it cannot be called a dream because he totally sees Bey-Hijaab [in Outward].

the Zikr-e-Qalbi Ghareeq Kulliya Taufeeq is Die-before-death
? and Aqal-e-Kulli
is called that which covers inside itself every Ilm
, all Maratib
and every Word (of Revelation). It is also called Ilm-e-Kulli that
is, the Ilm-e-Ludunni and the Ilm-e-Ludunni is the fruit (and
consequence) of the Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam
the Great Aulia-Allah
the Arif-Bi-Allah . And the Aqal (wisdom and sagacity) of the Dignified
Ulema grows so much by their studying Ilm and the Aqal and
the Ilm of the Kuffaar is by the Satanic Jununiyat that [the
urge for the] worldly progress (and advancement) is found in such Aqal
(Wisdom). It is that 'and the desire of Nafs is the fire of Hell'
and the Aqal
of the peasants and the Jaahil is not savage but the Master of Ghareeq
(drowning), that his Qalb should be Ghareeq (drowned) in his
Qaalib (frame), and the Qalb and Qaalib should wear the raiment of
the Ruh .