Zaakir-e-Khafi has no fear of the Khauf (Fear) and no hope of the
Rija (Hope). He always remains Drowned with God. The Maratib
of the Zikr-e-Khafi are of the Aulia-Allah .
Allah Almighty
says: Lo! Verily friends of Allah
(those) on whom fear (comes) not, nor do they grieve. (10:62)

should be in mind that] Alif
is a letter amongst the letters of the Name
and Both-the-Worlds
have greatness by virtue of this word. Muhabbat and the Marifat of
are also by this word.
The Shareefa (Noble) Latifa
(subtlety) of the Ghaib
ul Ghaib
(the most invisible
of the Unseen) wakes up from heart that does not absolutely let the heart to
sleep. Hearts of the Arifeen remain wakeful (and enlightened) since Azal
to Abad
from the cradle to grave. And the Jaahil Dead Hearted the one,
which goes against Shariyat, and the seeker of Dunya
(World) cannot travel
on this way because heart is (in lock) and Key and that Key is in
the holy (and pure) hand of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa
Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
. Hence, without getting Initiated
(Bai-at) on the blessed hand of the Holy Prophet of Allah
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
and in absence of the Permission
and Sadaqat (Truthfulness) and Iradat (attachment (with devotional conation))
of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
, the Qalb
and the Zikr-e-Qalbi cannot be found and one will not become Waasil
even if he hits his head hard with stone in Riyazat for his entire life.
This Tareeq (way) is called Shafqat Dil (Affection of Heart) -that
heart, which is full of the Noor of Allah.
says: (Indeed,
he has) smitten (her) to the heart with love (12:30)

he, his heart is full of the Tafakkur of the Noor of Allah
Almighty and the Zikr of God, such Tafakkur neither belongs to
the Azal or to Abad nor to this world nor to that World.
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
said that: Taste of reflections is over the taste of virgins.

Ultimate Tafakkur is especially the extraordinary special of
Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
. Really and truly,
the Gharq Ma-Allah does not let the Nafs return unto the desires
of Nafs