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if, in the same way you assemble, the Abidaan (worshippers) the Qaim-ul-Lail
(vigil (the nightlong) for prayers) and the Saim-ud-Dahar
(keeping infinite
fasting) and the twenty thousand Aalim Faqhee (at one place), they
will never reach onto the Martaba of one Arif-Bi-Allah . He is
the Arif-Bi-Allah that his beginning should be Aalim-Aamil
and end should be the Kaamil Faqeer
. And he is Kaamil that
whatsoever Tasarruf he does in all that which is in the world and the
Words (of Revelation) of Lord and the Marifat
of God, should not decrease. The Kaamil
by Perfection (with accomplishment) is this that the Kaamil is the Master-of-Ilm
endowed with Yaqeen
, not an irreligious as the likeness of a Jaahil
. [It
is said that once] there was a king who had a Pir-e-Kaamil . The king ordered
someone to go and see in which task his Pir was busy. That person went
and saw a dog was sitting over the prayer carpet in place of the Shaikh
(Pir). This news was given to the king. Then the king ordered another
person should go. Thus, another person was sent. That person also saw a pig was
sitting on the prayer carpet of the Murshid. The king was told this. The
king went himself and saw his Shaikh (himself) was sitting on the prayer
carpet. The king told all these things to the Murshid with respect. The Shaikh,
upon listening this, said 'O king! That person, who saw me dog, is the seeker
of Dunya
(World) and that person, who saw me pig, is a cuckold Satan'. Writer
of the book (Faqeer Bahu
Allah [O
True-Seeker!] This address is of heart and the Course
of the People
of heart is the Tasdeeq (acknowledgement) through Qalb
. And Muhabbat
has a form. Same as the form of the human being eats the flesh of soul
because of hunger and drinks the blood of liver in thirst and wears the raiment
of Warning-lesson (with example) and Hairat because of
paucity. Muhabbat also has same form that has Demand of feet and
cares the head and keeps a clear bosom free of Vindictiveness and
it has the eye of the Marifat of Lord Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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