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Waseela is better than the superiority (and excellence) and the
superiority (and excellence) is for the sake of the Waseela , that
is, Ilm is meant for the Marifat of God! ABYAAT (COUPLETS) That
Murshid, who makes one walk on the Course
of the Rightful
Deity of Worship, is able, Who
keeps the Seekers away of the sinning! You do not know that He is nearer to you (than your jugular vein), And
the Nafs is brigand of the Course
and is your foe. Ilm
of Logic and Meanings is the ultimate of the Ulema . The
start of the Faqeers is the recitation of this lesson on the very
inception. That is, the start of the Ulema is Alif Allah The
Extremity of the Faqeer is that they know this only that
'Buss' Hazrat
Ali [That
is this.] Hazrat
Muhammad Since
the Word
'Kul HADIS (Saying
of the Holy Prophet of Allah Faqar (Faqeer)
is needy of none besides Allah
Almighty ? HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah World
is an hour; should be spent it in worship [and should wake up from the slumber
of ignorance]. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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