SPIRITUAL MEANINGS) Shut your both eyes and part the soul from life, And
travel for sightseeing the Lamakaan , The
Didaar of Haq is seen in ascension through the eye of Divine
Mysteries, Such
person is he, who has reached near God, How
can he, who is blind by both eyes, see the clarity? Heart,
which is shrouded by Khatraat , invites partition. When,
the Faqeer , opens the eye of Heart
all filled with Noor of
the Marifat
of Haq, remains all the time in the Mushahida of Didaar
because the Living-Hearted is always wakeful (and enlightened). HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah My If
the True-Seeker is ready to sacrifice his life in his Demand for Lord,
the Murshid-e-Kaamil favors him with the Beneficence of the Marifat
all the Farz (Obligation), Sunnat
, Waajib
(Essential) and the Mustahib
(Recommendatory) as well, The
remains always in the state of offering Assalaat (Prayers) for Lord! That
person, who reaches onto such Maratib of the Inward
, is called the Faazil
and Granter of the Beneficence
of the Marifat
of Lord in this Course
of the Selk-Salook . This Course
is not conventional but
instead is related with the Irfaan
of Haq
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