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that person, who does not leave the Liking for Dunya (World) as
vagrant, cannot be honored with the day and night employment (and duty)
of the Noble Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam 1.
and songs, even if the voice is as good as of Hazrat Daud Alaihis-Salaam 2.
Ignorance, and the ignorance
is possessions of world no matter even if the world is the Kingdom-of-Solomon 3.
Bukhal (niggardliness),
even if the Bakheel (niggardly person) has a treasure like that of the Qaroon
and he will not be full even then. 4.
Qeel-O-Qaal , even if the Qeel-O-Qaal
is about the issues (and concepts) pertaining to Fiqah and Ilm 5.
Hawaa (Desire), even if desire is of visiting
Arsh 6.
Giving up offering Assalaat
even if the person who is giving up offering Assalaat is like Satan. And
he should sate the imbiber of liquor through gaze 7.
Acquisition of Ilm even if Ilm
is like that of the Bal'am Baoor In
addition, he should be so much drowned into the Maratib of the Marifat
of God that his tongue is silent Outwardly but if he speaks by his
tongue, speaks in the name of Allah
Almighty ABOUT BAL'AM BAOOR: He was a big scholar of
Bani Israel who had been engaged in Riyazat
for about 400 year and he
knew Ism-e-Azam, he used to teach 12000 scholars in his gathering.
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