This word has been used for Namaz or Prayers no matter if Fardh or Sunnat or Nawafil etc. He who keeps the Unremittingly Offered Assalaat (Prayers) as well as the Periodically Offered Assalaat (Prayers) dear to him Allah Almighty keeps him focused and he becomes the Favorite (and Accepted one) of His gaze. His Martaba is everlasting because Secret is in Assalaat (Prayers) and Assalaat (Prayers) is in the Secret. For the Faqeer Arif-Bi-Allah both Secret and Assalaat (Prayers) are like limbs and wings (P161 Noor ul Huda Klaan). Also see P28 Fazal ul Liqaa P06 Ain ul Arifeen P89 Jamey ul Asraar P70 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd P121 P132-133 Emir ul Konain P140 P141 Aqal Baidaar P122 P146 Ain ul Faqar P245 Noor ul Huda Klaan P312 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan P71 (140-141) Irfaan-I.