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that absolute Inward which becomes Outward (manifested) on
the Seeker of Lord [It
should be learned that] the Faqeer can be identified through the
following five qualities (and attributes in him): 1.
quality is this that he should possess Ilm -that Ilm which should
take him out of the ignorance and Riya and lead him unto God. 2.
quality is this that he should have the Forbearance of Hilm
(Forbearance) and Haleem (the Forbearing One) 3.
quality is the favorite Khulq (tremendous nature and conduct) that
should conduct the Beneficence of Hidayat
(Guidance) to the creatures. 4.
quality is dispensing Sakhaawat (Benevolence) day and night which should
never go less. 5.
quality is following Faqar-e-Ikhtiyari so that gold and mud should be
equal in his Gaze. [O
True-Seeker !] Be enlightened there are some kinds of Faqar : 1.
Faqar Tahqeeqi 2.
Faqar Haqeeqi 3.
Faqar Darya-e-Ameeqi 4.
Faqar Taufeeqi 5.
Faqar Ba Haq
Rafeeqi 7.
Faqar Ahl e Sharb
Taarik Assalaat 8.
Faqar Bey-Amal
Jaahil 9.
Faqar violator of the Shara'a 10.
Faqar Ahl e Bidat
Zandeeqi Thus,
someone has reached unto Faqar through the name of Faqar
, someone
has reached unto the Faqar Ilhaam through Faqar and someone
has reached onto the Station of Faqar through Faqar and someone
has reached unto the steps (and move) of Faqar through Faqar.
There are thousands of examples of this. And someone reached onto the Ultimate
(Whole) Faqar through Faqar. [Thus] whoso, who has reached onto the
Ultimate (Whole) Faqar
, the entire world and the Hereafter are under his command
by the Order of God. Therefore, the world and the people of world are his bondmen
and the Nafs becomes obedient to him and his Ruh is his friendly
companion and mate and his heart is always wakeful (and enlightened)
and Satan
is displeased with him. Neither the claim of the claimant nor
the claim of the plaintiff lasts. And the Shahwat (libido) and desires
of Nafs are under his feet and wisdom is his servant and obedience
(and servitude) is his Taufeeq and the Marifat of God is his companion
of the route. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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