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that which is Haraam (illicit) is due to abundance of sins and the
abundance of sins due to forgetting the death and forgetting the death because
of the big worldly desires (and false hopes) and the worldly desires are the
result of Liking for the Dunya
(World). In
the Quran Majeed Furqan Hameed, there is no respect for Dunya (World)
and the People-of-Dunya . Relation of Dunya (World) and the People-of-Dunya
is with 'You abase whom You will' (3:26) Allah Almighty That person who reads this verse** along
with the Ism-e-Azam , nothing in the land and sea will remain hidden
from him by the Auspiciousness (and blessing) of the Divine Word of Lord. However, Faqeer the Master of Shariyat
although, sees but he hides. He does not cry and yell. Allah
Almighty The Initiation (Bai-at ) on hand of
the Holy Prophet of Allah [Often] the respectful Ulema say this
that no Faqeer Wali-Allah
, the Master of Wilayat
, the Aulia-Allah
the People-of-Allah
the Master of Hidayat is left on the face of earth and they, who, opt for
the Waseela of the Ilm of Fiqah and the issues pertaining
thereto, they do not have the news of the Wali-Allah and the Murshid
of the Hidayat of Allah
in Outward and Inward . ** And with Him are the Keys
of the invisible. None but He knows them. And He knows what is in land and the
sea. Not a leaf falls but He knows it, not a grain amid the darkness of the
earth, naught of wet and dry (is noted) in a clear record (6:59) Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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