short, such are not the [Real] Murshideen , who are Outwardly
figures of men and are the statures of devil in the Inward that they deliver
Talqeen of stopping breath. [O
True-Seeker !] You know that Damm (breath) is with air and
air is inside the body with Damm. Such Zikr , which is
associated with the Damm of air, cannot be referred as Zikr. It
is waste because of the reason that even a dog and donkey [and all
animals] also remember Lord with Damm. Dog and donkey are not Wali
then. [It means that there is none inside the world, who is without the Remembrance
of Lord Following
are two Stations of Zikr inside the body of the human being: 1.
Station of Zikr is inside bosom which has relation with heart 2.
of Zikr is inside head which is related with the Ruh in
brain Hence,
Zikr has relation with the heart and Ruh. When the Dead
becomes Alive through the Zikr of Allah Allah
Almighty [O
True-Seeker !] You know this [well] that heart
[of Arif ] is the
likeness of the target and the Zikr is like arrow and the Fikr
is like bow. Hence, that heart, which is always wounded by the arrow of
the Zikr , because of this, its whole body is slashed into pieces. Such Master-of-Heart
keeps on weeping. And if he becomes attentive unto the Fanaa-e-Nafs with
pain, blood sheds from his eyes. The Zikr of such Zaakir-e-Qalbi
is done from soul. Satan
cannot pass through the body of such Zaakir .
That human being, whose whole body from head to toe has engaged in Zikr ,
flees away from the body of such Zaakir in a way as Kaafir
runs away from the Kalimah-e-Tayyeb. Such Zaakir-e-Qalbi is attached
with Allah
Almighty since the Day of Alast
Day when Allah
asked the entire spirits: Am I not your Lord (7:172)}. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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