the Ilm of Fiqah and the Ilm of Faqar
is complex of six letters
of alphabet. He, whose Fiqah and Faqar , which are the foundation
of Islam, are the Perfect, he has Six Dimensions (and ways)
that is, the Shush-Jehaat are under his feet. These
are the Maratib of the Zikr-e-Dawaam and the Ultimate Fikr.
Hence, it is revealed that Faqeer, who lacks Ilm , is Imperfect
and Unfinished. ABYAAT (COUPLETS) First,
acquire Ilm , then come here, There
is no room for the Jaahil near His Highness Almighty Haq, First
learn that Ilm, which gives Marifat of Lord, The
Ilm of Fiqah and the Zikr Fikr
restrain you against the desire
and greed. Hence,
a Faqhee Aamil [that is the Aalim who practices his knowledge]
and the Faqeer the Master of Marifat is he who, before sleeping, says to
his Nafs that he has been given life for the sake of the worship, Obedience,
and Marifat
and virtue, not for sleeping. And that O Nafs!
Grave is the place of sleeping for you. You will remain sleeping on one side until
the Day of Doom. You should keep Ishtighaal (preoccupation) with Allah
Almighty [in this world] every breath and attain unto the Wisaal of God,
because O Nafs! You should think that the Day of Resurrection, the time
of Decision and the Pul-Siraat are ahead to face. O Mard Dervish
Wise is he, who is alert against three enemies. Hence, Nafs is the enemy
of soul, and Satan
is the enemy of Eimaan and the Dunya (World)
is detrimental enemy. [Therefore] they, who are unaware about the three enemies,
are tremendously stupid, unwise, and utter nincompoop, silly and Jaahil.
Almighty says: Lo! Those
who swear allegiance unto you (O Muhammad), swear allegiance only unto
Allah. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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