He is indeed mad. When it is naught else than a Reminder to creation (68:51-52) Allah
Almighty says:
striving in the way of Allah
and fearing not the blame of any blamer (5:54) Allah Almighty says: O you who believe! Be mindful of your duty
to Allah, and seek the way of approach (Waseela ) unto Him, and strive
in this way in order that you may succeed (5:35)
Allah Almighty says: He will say: So (it must be). Our
revelations came unto you but you did forget them. In like manner you are
forgotten this Day (20:126)
HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah Hazrat
Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam) Do the Zikr
of Allah
Almighty in such abundance that the hypocrites should start calling
you mad.
The Zikr-e-Sirri is the Martaba
of the Saadiq and Pure (holy) people and it is Obedience
to Allah
Almighty. Allah Almighty says: Whoso obeys Allah
and the Messenger, they
are with those unto Allah
has shown favor, of the Prophets and the saints and
the martyrs and the righteous. The best of company are they! (5:69)
[Hence, O True-Seeker !] You
[should] know this [well] that the Ilm of Fiqah makes the
soul and body and tongue and the outward frame of a person Pure (holy)
but the Nifaaq , greed and jealousy do not leave heart by studying the Ilm
of Fiqah. Faqhee is unaware of the chastity heart. Zikr
of Lord and the Marifat
of Lord, the Ilm
of Tasawvuf , the Tauheed are the Ishtighaal (preoccupation) of
Lord for the Master of (efficacious) effectiveness (and the impact)
the Roshan-Zamir . The Practice of Faqar is the Fazeehat
(disgrace) and corruption (and mischief) and cause of Kufr and Shirk
without the Ilm of Fiqah
. And Fiqah is the explanation of
the Pillars of Islam [that is, the Holy Quran and Hadis]. And Faqar
is the Sharah (explanation) of the Pillar of the Name Allah.
the Marifat of God is discovered.
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