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Almighty Stay
engrossed in the Name Allah OTHER
True-Seeker!] Be informed that first Ilm of Dawat is must for
man. Ilm of Dawat is the name of Ilm of Takseer . And he,
who becomes Aamil in the Ilm of Takseer , no Rijat
comes to him and the everlasting Welfare (and virtue) is got by him.
These following four Uloom are revealed through the Ilm of Takseer: 1.
Ilm of Tafseer 2.
Ilm of Akseer 3.
Ilm of Takseer
and Taseer
[(efficacious) effectiveness
(and the impact)] 4.
Ilm of Qalb
for all over Tazkiya
, Tasfiyya
, Tajalliya
and Takhliyya These
are those Maratib of Roshan-Zamiri and the Kimiya-Gaze that
resurrect the heart through gaze that his heart chants Allah
aloud. And Kimiya-gaze is called that one which causes the Jaahil
to become Aalim through one look and donates such Ilm that
revelation comes from every Ilm . Writer
Faqeer (Bahu Hence,
he makes the Sunnat Living and Bidat dead. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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