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the mortal world is untrustworthy. It
is hard work of day and night and people are [always] dying in Demand of
Kimiya but access unto the desired object remains unachieved and they lose
their Eimaan (in this struggle). [Consequently,]
Demand for Lord Who is our all object (of desire). He, who demands
other than Lord, is mad, covered and insane. Sequence
(of right performance) of Dawat is this that he should
go in wilderness where there is clean and pure sand and he should make the blessed
tomb with that sand and should make the (model of) the blessed grave. See all
that has been recorded as model and read all that which has been mentioned
around the blessed tomb. In Sha Allah! Unrivaled action (and role) will become
possible by virtue of the Auspiciousness (and sanctity) of the holy Ruh
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam When
he reads [Dawat ], the blessed Spirit of the Holy Prophet
of Allah Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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