Holy Quran cannot descend upon any person other than Hazrat
Muhammad 2.
person can achieve the Maratib of Holy Ascension
(Mi'raaj) other than
the Noble Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad 3.
person can achieve the Maratib of the Prophethood [after the Holy
Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam 4.
Wahi (Revelation inspired by God) cannot
descend upon any person save the Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam 5.
person can achieve a Martaba equal the Holy Companions Radhi-ya-Allahu
Ta-aala Anhum I
feel surprise for that nation and person that they will get the Secret of
Mard Murshid confers upon you the Secret of God, And
he keeps you unattached with the Shirk and Kufr
and sensual desires, He,
who is not the Seeker of Lord He
finds Haq
who Demands Haq. [O
True-Seeker!] Be enlightened that Shariyat is the name of Qaal
(speech) and Tareeqat is the name of Af'aal (actions) and Haqeeqat
is the name of Ahwaal (Conditions) and Ma'rifat is the name of Wisaal
. There are seventy thousand veils in between Shariyat and Tareeqat.
The entire Ilm is just vanity and lust and greed if it is not for
the sake of Allah
Almighty. As long as a person will not part from egotism
(self adore) and arrogance, will never reach onto the Station of Tareeqat.
Moreover, there are seventy thousand Greatest Hijaabaat
(veils) of the Kashf
and Karamaat in between Tareeqat and Haqeeqat. Therefore,
that person, who will not come out of the Kashf and Karamaat, can never
reach Haqeeqat in real sense. In addition, there are seventy thousand Biggest
Hijaabaat of the Calibers (Sifaat) in between the Haqeeqat
and Marifat. Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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