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Answerability, Retribution and Punishment even if he had done adultery
fornication) and thieving. It
means that eating Haraam and giving justice to Riya , Shirk
, Kufr
Uzar (pretense) and Taqseer (shortcoming). That is, one should abstain from
these vices. He should exercise the Zikr-e-Khafi and Zikr-e-Jehr in land
and sea, in every lane and bazaar and city. Hypocrite
and Kaafir does
not allow reading Kalimah-e-Tayyeb and if someone says that one should
not Kalimah-e-Tayyeb on unclean place. Mouth is up on it. Traditionally allowed.
He is united with God Almighty by whatever wat he reads Kalimah . That
person, who said Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu, no sin even of the size of atom
lasts of such person. What
do you think what Kalimah-e-Tayyeb Laaa-Ilaaha
(Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam) Not
an atom moves but with the permission of Allah. Hence: HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah There
are many who just say Laaa-Ilaaha Ill-Allahu but the genuine (and
single-minded) are rare. And
that person who says the Kalimah-e-Tayyeb with absolute sincerity
(and single-mindedness), is special person and is perpetually in the
companionship of Wisaal and nearness of Allah
Almighty and is the Master
of Word and Sword Tongue and absolute Master of Dawat
. [O
True-Seeker !] Lo! Writer of book (Faqeer Bahu
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