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Nafs constrains
Ruh by such type words. Ruh becomes worried and puzzled by Nafs
. Liar Nafs is cheater. So, when temperature in the body of man is
like fever, all the four burn equally and all are given severe Punishment,
that is, the frame and kernel and Ruh and Nafs. Hence, the Nafs
of the Kaafir and hypocrite person is Kaafir , his Qalb
is Kaafir and Ruh is Kaafir. All the four are Kaafir
and hypocrite and will be inside the fire and severity. And for the Momin
, all the four are Momin endowed with Eimaan
. When
Nafs is the king in body, it is sure that its Vizier is Satan
and he, inside
him the Ruh is the king, its Vizier is heart. Perhaps, whole Faqar
is sermon and silence and exhortation and admonition for the whole Secret
of Faqar. Door is open if you decide to come, and if you do otherwise,
Almighty is besought of all (and needs none). HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah He
got it [ultimately] for which he strived for. That
person, who reaches onto the Martaba of Faqar and the unification
of Fardaniyat
of Haq, no talk, melody and song appeal him even if it comes
from the throat like Hazrat Daud Alaihis-Salaam Head
is for laying in prostration and body is for worship (and obedience)
and tongue is for extolling the Praise of Lord and heart is for Zikr
and Ruh is for the Fikr of the Beneficence
of Allah and hands are
for benevolence and eye is for seeing the Marifat
of Almighty Haq NAZAM
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