Khatraat and Satanic Jununiyat
or 2.
Istadraaj of perplexity (and inner turbulence)
In the event thereof, following are some couplets: ABYAAT (COUPLETS) He,
who reaches unto the Reality of Hu He,
who has not found the Reality of Hu He,
who is with Hu Fear
not nor do grief Bahu's
Ta-aala Alaihe Because
have reached onto the Station of Hu [O
True-Seeker !] Now I tell you about Dawat e Takseer and Kimiya
e Akseer
(Kimiya-Akseer ). That is, many people remain in Demand of
two types of Ilm that they should become Laa-Yuhtaaj : one is Ilm
of Takseer and the other is Ilm of Kimiya-Akseer
. Thus,
it is revealed that their intent is to conquer people (Musakharaat
). Hence, it is essential for him who intends for Dawat Takseer that he,
first, should learn the method of the Naqsh Daira
(Circle) and the Digit of Calculation
(table) of Stars and Constellations and how to bring Muakalaat
in control from
the Murshid-e-Kaamil . Moreover, he should pay the Zakaat of the Ism-e-Azam
and give up Jalaali and Jamaali and should not Demand the Kimiya-Akseer
. Since common people have imperfect courage (and mettle), therefore
the Rijat, agony and Khatraat
and ruination take birth in his body [for
its acquisition]. Because of this reason, man remains deprived of it and he
cannot bear these Higher Maratib . When the Seeker of Allah Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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