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if you need the pearl, Four
skills are needed for the diver, In
Friend's hand is the Authority to seize Ruh , you just care not
your life, And
gasp not and lay your head on His feet [that is, bow your head]. [O
True-Seeker!] Be wise that the real root of the Ilm , Marifat
Worship is the 'morsel of food'. And 'morsel' is also of two types: That
is the fire of Hell, which is Haraam (illicit) and specious. It
gives birth to lust, jealousy, back biting, vindictiveness, enmity, Nifaaq
(Discard), Riya
and dissatisfaction and one gets mixed with the Nafs
and Satan. All
this is the impact of the Haraam Morsel. And the Halaal
(admissible) Morsel
(of food) is as the likeness of water, that is, the Water
of the Eden. When the Moral earned through Halaal work enters body,
the fire of Hell like the lust etcetera sinks down and becomes cold and
(the man) becomes penitent. And Penitence (Tauba ) is also of
three kinds and it has three signs as three traditions develop from it: 1.
First Sign: Penitence against ignorance 2.
Second Sign: Reading Ilm
with absolute sincerity (and
single-mindedness) 3.
Third Sign: His Ilm
becomes radiant from the start to end That
Aalim , who is Aamil , engrosses into the act of the worship of Lord.
Hence, becomes penitent against the remembrance, worry and Dunya
(World) and the People-of-Dunya. On him becomes clear and bright the
Marifat of Lord O
brother! All this Auspiciousness (and blessing) is by virtue of the Halaal
Morsel. The Ulema-e-Aamil and the Kaamil Faqeers identify the
Haraam Morsel in the very first sight and discover the Halaal . Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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