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Maratib are of the Faqeer Fanaa-Fi-Allah
with Pure (holy) Inward
who is the Master-of-Istaghraaq and the companion of the Noble Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad BAYT (COUPLET) When
water and milk become one (in mixture), that water becomes milk, In
this way, Faqeer becomes Fanaa (Destroyed) in the Essence
of Allah. As
spark is in fire and salt in food. BAYT (COUPLET) The
Mardaan of God Almighty are not God, Yet
they are not separate from God Almighty! This
is achieved by acting upon the code of Pure Shariyat. HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah There
are four jewels (of ability) in the Nafs of the son of Adam HADIS (Saying of the Holy
Prophet of Allah Mankind
is of four types: Noble, Benevolent, and Miser and Niggardly. Noble is he, who
eats not himself but gives others to eat; and benevolent (Sakhi ) is he,
who eats and gives to eat; and miser is he, who does not eat and does not give
others; and niggardly one is he, who eats but does not give others to eat. HADIS (Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah Allah
Almighty created Eimaan and its protection is by benevolence and Haya
(bashfulness and modesty) Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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