True-Seeker (Taalib e Saadiq
) !] Be informed that [all the] Riyazat
and Piety, Optional Assalaat
(Prayers), Assalaat
(Prayers), Fasting, exercising
Chilla and his recluse are of the greed and desire without Murshid
the Master of Secret. And (likewise), his sitting in Sanctum is accompanied
by Waswaas and hypocrisy because entire Worship
is groundless unless
and until the lamp of his heart has become luminous and bright by the sun
of the Name Allah That
Faqeer, who receives something as alms and considers it from creatures,
it is loss and if he believes it from God Almighty, it is evidence of Eimaan
. Allah
Almighty Some
Muqallad Faqeers
(the followers of Taqleed
), who are indulged in carnal
desires, say that they have bid farewell to Dunya (World). But they
hover around it as a moth circles around candle and they say to their kindred
and relatives that they have cut off their ties with the sword of their courage
(and mettle). But they are serving and praising people. They are wearing
the garb of Faqar on their bodies but on their hearts, they have wrapped
the cover of greed and cupidity. [O
Real-Seeker !] Lo! Almighty Haq Dervish,
the one who is of the People-of-Sidq is identified by three
things: 1.
He should have been endowed with Deference (Adab) 2.
should have been endowed with Haya (bashfulness and modesty) 3.
heart should be filled with the Muhabbat (Cordiality and Affection) of Allah
Almighty And
that Faqeer , who reaches unto the Marifat of God, four Stations
are of him: 1.
heart, which he all the time keeps occupied by God 2.
Silence , that he does not speak in company of common people Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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