Muhabbat (Mu-habbat) generally means Affinity (and Attachment) based upon love which serves a platform for Ishq in its advanced stage. The Muhabbat and Ishq of Allah Almighty is like an (oil) lamp and the Rujuaat-e-Khalq and Kashf and Karamaat are likeness of wind. That person who will not secure this lamp inside the house of Shariyat that lamp of Ishq and Muhabbat will not remain lit as that wind of Kashf and Karamaat will put it off (P189 Ain un Faqar). For specific meanings and details please read P32 Kaleed e Jannat P86-P93 Jamey ul Asraar P33 Emir ul Konain P125 P174 Ain ul Faqar P306 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan.