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Faqeers with Pure Creed hit on the head of Dunya (World) by
shoe and they do not gaze
upon Uqba even because they are curious for
and they do not look upon anything besides Allah
Almighty because they
offer their lives after getting Gharq (Drowned) in Wahdaniyyat . ABYAAT (COUPLETS) For
him seeing the Didaar of the Confidant is not difficult, For
the open eye, seeing Allah
Almighty Bey-Hijaab is not difficult, He
who became confidant in reality, How
can he shut the eye when it has opened [once]? He
has no worry who drowns in cave of heart, Because
inside the cave of heart is a treasure of the Mysteries of heart, When
heart has Drowned with Damm
(breath) forever, Arifeen
get the whole Marifat of God at this Station, I
always see the Didaar of Lord He
is incomplete, who does not have this eye of heart, Mysteries
of Qalb are as the likeness of electricity, Not
he but the electricity is on the tablet of heart, The
Hazoor of Haq is found like electricity, who is Immersed (and
Absorbed) oi the tablet of heart, He
has become Noor upon Immersion (and Absorption) in study of the tablet
of heart, Heart
is a great domain of the domains of the Lamakaan , Who
can elucidate the qualities of heart? That
person, who reaches onto this Station with this Wilayat of
heart, the Holy Messengers (of Allah) Alaihimus-Salaam Muhikal Faqar (Qalan) pdf download Install app |
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