the inaugural section of his sermon, Hazrat
Mahboob e Subhani, Qutab
e Rabbani,
e Samadani Hazrat
Shaikh Muhyiddeen Sayyed
Sirru-hul Aziz )
says that:
my progenitor, that is, the overlord of the worlds the Noble Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam met me in a dream. he said: O son! Give
sermons! I humbly replied: O Lord ! I am a non-Arabic person. How can I speak
in front of the eloquent and studious persons of Iraq? he said: Open your mouth. I opened my
mouth and he blew the air of his blessed mouth after reading something in
heart seven times into my mouth. After this I met with Hazrat
Ali Karram
Wajhu .
Karram Allah
also ordered me: O son! Why do you not deliver sermons? I humbly replied the
same and he Karram Allah
Wajhu ordered me to open my
mouth and he blew the air of his blessed mouth after reading something in heart
for six times into my mouth. I humbly enquired: O Hazrat Karram
Wajhu ,
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam had done this for seven
times and why you have done for six times only? He replied: As a gesture of
deference to the Holy Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee
Wa-sallam , I have reduced it for one time.
Sirru-hul Aziz ) says that after this
incident, enormous torrents of the Tauheed
and Marifat
started rising in the
ocean of my heart and eloquence was as if a flooded river which brought the
pearls of truths and learning on the shore of my tongue. His sermons used to be
a limitless ocean or a cloud of the Noor
of the Conquests of the Divine Grace
and the Ilhaam
of God which turned the condition of the audience, which at
times rose to seventy thousand people which also included renowned scholars and
learned person of Arab and Non-Arab world. Some used to fall in Wajad
(spiritual trance), some used to scream and cry after becoming so vexatious and
started tearing their clothes themselves, some fell unconscious and lost
self-control, some careless Aashiqeen
used to die like Hazrat
after not bearing the sights of the Tajalliyaat
of the Anwaar
of the Omniscient
Essence! His respectable son Hazrat
Shaikh Abdullah (Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala
Alaihe ) reports that two to
four people certainly died in the assembly hearing his Sermon. Some capable
person was those who flied to heavens from the gathering when the Disclosure of
the Electricity of his Tawajuh
fell upon them.
the bosoms of some, the mysteries and learning opened. Many Kashf
and Karamaat
were involuntarily emanated from his personified personality sitting on the
Sermon Chair. It felt as if the hearts of all listeners are in his blessed
fingers which are being moved as he is willing to be. Sometimes he addressed
the people after knowing that which was in their mind. He used to endow upon
some the raiment of Wilayat. In short, his Sermon used to be an unfathomable
ocean of the Outwardly
and the Inwardly
bounties and munificence by which
everyone, as per his capacity, used to get full benefit. Thousands of Kuffaar,
Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims got the honor of embracing Islam in his
Assembly of Sermon and many abominable persons, wretched ones, thieves and
brigands became the People of Hidayat
after repenting over their sins. The Jinn,
Angels, Spirits
of unseen men and even the spirits
of the Holy Prophets and the
Holy Messengers (of Allah) also attended his Sermons and at many occasions,
also the Holy Prophet of Allah Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam had honored the
assemblage with his
blessed presence there. Hence, once he left the Sermon Chair and stood hand
tied and head down with reverence and many Masters of Haal
the People of Perfection
(and Attainment) Faqeers
also stood in same fashion. After the conclusion of
the Speech, people humbly asked him the reason of this and he said: Our Chief
Progenitor Lord of the worlds Hazrat
Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam had honored us with his blessed presence and
told us: O son! I have come to listen to your speech'. When I left the chair and
humbly said: 'O Lord ! What opportunity this
slave has that I may utter a word
in presence of your Most Kaamil
essence?' Thus, the Hazrat left the assembly with
honor. Hazrat
Mahboob e Subhani, Qutab
e Rabbani, Ghaus
e Samadani Hazrat
Muhyiddeen Sayyed
Sirru-hul Aziz ) says
that there no Jinn, Angel, Wali and Prophet in the world who has not attended
his Sermon speech. All have attended his Sermon in physical appearance or
spiritual bulks. Often, when, Hazrat
Alaihis-Salaam came
to his
Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe assembly, he
Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe addressed him like this:
O Prophet of Israel, stop and listen the words of revelation of Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam ! .