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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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The higher most and superior fragrance in the things of Booidni that is smells is the Kastoori which is clotted blood and unwanted waste products in the navel of a cattle that is, musk deer. And the most exquisite thing in the Poshedni that is, apparel is silk which is the excrement of a bug. And all the pleasures of Shaneedni that is, hearing and the instruments of music and Samaa are derived from the hides, intestines and guts of the animals and the friction and blows made thereon. There is another pleasure in the world which is because of touching and rubbing the mentioning of which would be rather inhumane but this is just sufficient to say that it is the use of the inferior and most shameful and the worst heinous carrion part of the human. So, the total stuffs and pleasures of the world have been derived from such thing which we have counted and described in above.


I enquired about the status of Dunya (World) from a wise person,

He replied that this world is either a dream or whim or a fiction,

I then enquired about the condition and status of him, who loved Dunya (World),

He replied that such person is either a demon or fiend or crazy!


Now please see the time of their lasting and the amount of pleasure these have.


All the tasty and fine meals of the world, until are on the tip of the tongue, a very feeble taste is felt for a few seconds in the condition when a person is hungry otherwise when stomach is full and one feels satiety, then this meager taste is unavailable and the very swollen food becomes the burden of heart and trouble for soul. Same like this the lasting time for all the pleasures of body is very short and its abutting is quite narrow. That is the reason that Allah Almighty has declared this whole world 'scant stuff'. Then how much exertion, headache and Khakraani (fanatic effort just for nothing good) one has to undertake in order to acquire this temporary, abject and mortal stuff and how many cruelties and atrocities are committed and how many innocents are killed! Another nowise and hollow aspect of the pleasures of world is this that Allah Almighty has apportioned the extent of taste for the poor and the worldly person equally.




The worldly persons become very much used to and addicted of eating fine meals daily, wearing exquisite apparel every time, living in skyscrapers and marvelous buildings day and night, mating with the gorgeous women always; in short by living all the times engaged and occupied by all the pleasures and joys of the world. Therefore, their appetite and zeal and taste for these things declines greatly rather almost vanished. Since the real taste is in hunger and it is not available to them and the poor and indigent people find that taste in the scarce food due to the intensity of hunger and the heat of paucity which is not available to the rich and worldly persons in the variety of dishes and plentiful tasty meals. Thus, the joy of eating depends upon the digestive power and the limit of appetite which is absent in the worldly persons. This interminable blessing is available to the indignant people up to perfect limits. Same like this the worldly people and capitalistic persons, overcome by the worries of world and anxieties of mishaps, all the night remain rolling on their soft beds with restlessness and discomfort in the night sleeping in grand airy spacious palaces like a fish out of water but a poor laborer, tired and exhausted by the whole day's labor, takes such a deep and pleasant sleep on his hard and rough broken cart that the whole night passes without any movement on the cart. Worldly persons remain eager for a pleasant sleep and the real appetite of a moment all their lives. Same like this, the worldly persons are found zero in their ability of copulation and remain deprived of children despite having three or four wives. Thus, all joys and tastes can be ascertained on the basis of this. The poor and indigent are in profit. Satisfaction of heart is absolutely unavailable to the worldly persons but instead the more a person becomes worldly rich, the more worried and dissatisfied him becomes. Say, if the entire wealth of the material world and its luxury and opulence fall in the share of just one man, he will, even then remain devoid of the peace of heart and satisfaction of Qalb.


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