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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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And on the other hand are paucity and indigence, a broken yard and a small muddy shelter, simple dish of mustered leaves and dry barley bread, worn out blanket and mended dress but there exists side by side the happiness of heart, satisfaction of Qalb , bliss of Spirit, treasure of contentedness and the everlasting kingship of Inward that needs no crown; there are gathering and Majalis of the Angels and spirits; there are undying infinite tastes of the Qurb and Wisaal and Didaar of Allah Almighty which are unseen by eyes and unheard by ears and are those which have not been thought by a heart. Both the facets of life are open before each other and every person is free in his choice.


If you are in search of the real Comfort (and solace), if you desire for the original peacefulness and if you long for the eternal willingness of heart, then you will finally return to the remembrance of Allah Almighty, His worship, curiosity of Dervish and Faqeer after exertion in doing every kind of experiment. Otherwise if you want to add to the incidents of suicide and the fuel of Hell, then the doors to Dunya (World) are open.


Life is as short as is the life of lightening and flame,

? How unreliable is this Dunya (World)!

No heart is that which is not (wounded and) red-hot,

Still a garden of tulips is Dunya (World)?

There is fight everywhere; there is dispute all around,

An arena of battle is Dunya (World),

Although it appears to be a flower,

But, in reality a thorn is Dunya (World),

Who has named it life?

In fact, anticipation of death is Dunya (World)!

[Momim Khan Momin]


It should be kept in mind that the original food of the Human Subtle Jussa (Bulk) of Qalb and Spirit is the worship of Allah Almighty, Zikr , Fikr , recitation (of Holy Quran) and deeds of virtue etcetera and heart receives the real and perpetual satisfaction through this but when the Inwardly Bulk of the Qalb and Spirit are made deprived of their specific food of the Zikr Fikr of Lord, as a result, it starts eating the unholy feral feed of the Nafs due to anxiety and unstoppable demand of hunger finding no other way.




As is often observed in ordinary animals that when they are not provided with their specific feed like grass and gains etcetera, they, finding no other way, start eating filth and faeces and make this their specific food due to which their nature and instinct turn like that of the carcass eaters. Same like this, the Bulk of Malakoot of the Qalb , when is deprived of its specific food of Zikr , Fikr , Obedience and the worship of Lord, it, finding no other option, makes the Sifli (natural or inferior) unholy dense feed that is, the filth of the carcass of Dunya (World) to be the means of its power and strength and starting feeding itself with this same food due to which the human Qalb assumes the nature and style of the Nafs-e-Baheemi and after getting endowed with the condemnable character of it, it becomes clad with its abject conduct and after slipping away of its prime 'Ahsan Taqewem' (the best stature), it falls in the lowest ditch of ungodliness, brutality and devilment. And when it dies in such a condition, it is thrown in darkness and is included amongst Sifli Creation like devils and mankind and Jinn and malignant Spirits forever and is entered in their lowest ditch that is, the Station of Sijjiyeen and remains punished with the Inwardly problems, Spiritual tribulations and wraths of different kinds and is thrown in the Hell on the Day of Doom. But the destiny of a virtuous person is the eternal aid. His nature inclines towards his original Noori mineral of Malakoot and his Inwardly Bulk remains inclined and attracted towards its specific Subtle food of Zikr Fikr and the Inwardly earning that is, for the sake of achieving the Noori Food, it remains striving and alert and after getting it, it grows and nurtured and becomes engaged into the Zikr Fikr and Obedience of Lord according to His this Pronouncement:


Remember Allah, standing, sitting and reclining (4:103)


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