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Irfan (Volume 1) IRFAAN 1


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Then the plentiful Zikr-e-Dawaam and the Zikr-e-Sultani surrounds all the organs of his body, senses and powers and the heart at last and in short it surrounds all Inward and Outward of his body and heart becomes preoccupied and Mast with the Anwaar and the taste and zeal and fervor of the Mushahidaat of the Zikr of Lord. At this time also the Nafs-e-Baheemi, which is the close companion and the neighbor of the Subtle Qalb , it after sensing the aroma and taste of the Noori Food of its companion heart, becomes the appreciator and lover of this Food of Malakoot . Then the beast of the Nafs , after turning its face away of the material food and the temporary and inconsistent and mortal tastes of the worldly pomp of a few days, engages into the Zikr Fikr , Obedience and the worship of Lord that is, it gets education and growth through the Food of the Malakoot and becomes endowed with the Angelic Calibers and get deliverance against the confinements of animal like and Baheemi condemnable traits.


Allah Almighty says: He is indeed successful who caused it to grow (91:9)


Allah Almighty says: and remember Allah much, that you may be successful (62:10)


At this time the Nafs-e-Baheemi becomes colorful with the Qalb of Malakoot and after uniting with it, it Destroys as regards to the Baheemi (unholy) Trait and chooses the Calibers of Malakoot and Spiritual Conduct and after getting included in the Realm of Malakoot the Noori Creation of the Mulaa e Aalaa, continues enjoying with the tastes and spectacles of the Noori Uncreated Creation of this holy Subtle Kingdom which were never observed by these material eyes nor had been heard by these ears nor these had ever come in any material thought.


Allah Almighty says: No soul knows what is kept hid for them of joy, as a reward for what they used to do (32:17)


When the gates of this Inwardly Joy opened to the Quloob of the virtuous and pious people of God, they remained Mast and preoccupied in the caves of the mountains for many years. Some Emirs and Kings, when tasted this Inwardly Relish, they kicked the crown and throne off and wandered in its demand in jungles and barrens and thenceforth they never remembered the crown or thrones.




Gotham Buddha, Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adham Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe and Shah Shuja Kirmaani etcetera have given up thrones for the sake of this eternal and infinite Kingdom. It is said that when the rain of Inwardly Occurrences and the Tajalliyaat of the Noor rained on Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adham Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe, he used to say that 'where are those kings of world? By God! If they can see a bit of these blessings and a slight notion of these spectacles, they will all give up thrones and will rush running towards jungle'.


Once the Sultan of Sangar sent a petition to Hazrat Mahboob e Subhani, Qutab e Rabbani, Ghaus e Samadani Hazrat Shaikh Muhyiddeen Sayyed Abdul-Qadir-Jelaani (Qaddas-Allah Sirru-hul Aziz) with this subject:


'If your highness blesses my land with the auspicious touch of your blessed feet and benefits me with a chance to see your blessed face, it will be great honor for this servant to trust the whole territory of Nimroz for the food served free on your highness's court'.


Hazrat Shah Muhyiddeen Rahmatu-Allahe Ta-aala Alaihe handed over the petition back to the courier after writing these couplets on the backside of that paper:


May my face turn black like (black) umbrella,

If I feel any greed of the territory of Sinjar,

Since the day my heart has become familiar with the territory of the half night,

I will not buy the state like Sinjar in lieu of one grain of barley.


In short, Oh! What can one say of this Inwardly Indefinite and eternal spiritual taste! Only those know its value and worth who have tasted this flavor.


Blow out the candles of desires for once,

And break ties with every darling beloved,

I give you some honey of this Irfaan of Lord to taste,

Blame me if the tastes of the Dunya (World) will not vanish from your mind.

[Nasir Na Khuda]


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