Unremitting (and Constant) Zikr that is Zikr e Lazawaal which has no Decline (or downfall). Zikr e Dawaam implies the Zikr e Khafi that is the Secret and Inward Zikr which is supernatural. Zikr e Haamil is its other name (Muhik ul Faqar P10). Please also read P11 P127 P257 P258 Muhik ul Faqar Klaan. Please also read P25-26 (or P13) of Irfaan V-II of Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammad Sarwari Qadiri Rahmatulla Alaihi. For specific meanings and more details please also see P27-28 Ganj ul Asraar P32 P66 Kaleed e Jannat P10 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd. By Zikr-e-Dawaam is meant the Zikr-e-Khafi that which is not actually noticed by the Zaakir because of the reason that Zikr-e-Khafi currents (and initiates) throughout the body with the Taseer of the Visualization-of-the-Name-Allah-the-Essence same as the salt is inside the meal and water is inside milk! At P48 of Noor ul Huda Khurd: Zikr-e-Dawaam means that [one] should remain fully Absorbed in Tauheed all the time and loose his self (and consciousness) though he sits (normal) in the ordinary people. The relation of the Zikr-e-Dawaam is neither with heart nor with Ruh nor with Sirr but instead it has its place inside the entire body. Same as life is inside the whole body; the Station of Zikr is also the entire human body.