this is the work which special person can do. Common people can just do this in
order to clear their minds in case they have some uncertainty or worry if such
assignment is beneficial or injurious for them that first one should offer some
and by saying Allah
Allah he should cleanse his heart and after that he
should vacate and clear the heart against all the outsider thoughts he should
become Attentive towards the Court of Lord or the Majlis
of the Holy Prophet
through the Visualization
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat ) or the Name Muhammad Sal
Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam and
submit his request there and either undertake Muraqiba
or should sleep. In case
he finds some hint or good tidings during Muraqiba
or sleeping, it is done.
Otherwise if exactly after becoming free of Muraqiba
or upon getting up, he
finds his heart peaceful and diverted and inclined to that job, then it is induced
that this work beneficial and fruitful but on the other hand if he finds his
heart perplexed (and puzzled) or reluctant or averting against that job, then
it is known that there surely is some loss or danger in it because the heart
smells the loss and profit by means of the dream and Muraqiba. In the start,
when the Subtlety
of the Seeker
of Lord starts becoming alive, one of its signs is
this that he gets wakefulness in dream, that is, he attains consciousness and
intellect in dream and understands that what he is seeing is in the condition
of the dream. When this state becomes more advanced and he gains consciousness
and sense in every dream, it means as if he has captured the state of Muraqiba
and when he can enter the condition of dream with due awareness and sensibility
at his will and can return with his control, then such person is as if he has
achieved the Muraqiba.
people, when they start experiencing the Kashf
, they foresee the incidents of
future about their house which take place and happen as seen. Same like this,
when his gaze
gets more scope, the condition of his street and then the entire
city and then the whole province and state is known by him and events are
ascertained by him likewise. At times, he comes to know the occurrences of the
week, month and year and so much so that he becomes informed about the events
of his whole life. Such beginner level Seekers should keep such hidden
information hidden in their hearts and should not disclose before every common
and proper person in order get fame because ostentation and Khud Faroshi of
such kind results in disqualification of such approach and he cannot gain such
such Masters of Kashf
keep their Secret
hidden and remain imperturbable, they
are entered to the category of the Ahl-e-Takween-Mutsarrifeen: Ghaus
, Qutub , Autaad
, Abdaal
and Akhyaar
after which they get the Total Kashf
and the Unremitting
(and Constant) Mukashifa
and become the Masters of Mansib
(office bearers) and
Spiritual Servants.
should be in your mind that there exists a group of Inwardly
Persons inside the
of-Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
who are known as 'Ahl-e-Takween-Mutsarrifeen'. They are also called the
which consist of a hierarchically sequenced Ghaus
, Qutub, Autaad
, Abdaal
, Najiyaa, Naqbaa and Akhyaar. A Ghaus
or 'the Qutub ul Aqtaab' is
their Chief. He is Inwardly
Deputy or the Vicegerent or the Surrogate of the
Holy Prophet Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam.
In the world, there exists only one Ghaus
at a time. He also does the job of
the Qutub e Irshaad
and three Qutub work under him. Their subordinates are
seven Autaad
and under each Autaad
, forty Abdaal
work. The Najiyaa, Naqbaa and
work under them. This is an Inwardly
Department of three hundred and
sixty Aulia-Allah and
their Tasarruf
is over every inch of the world. The lowest Tasarruf
of these
which is also called Mutsarrif Dahqaani, he is the guardian and protector of an
area of twelve square Kos (miles). He keeps even an egg of a sparrow in his
surveillance and Tasarruf. He also knows the approximation of what women will
cook in pots and how much table salt would they add in food daily in his area.
He is aware of all trivial and important matters and all unimportant and highly
important matters through the God Gifted knowledge. About these people Allah
Almighty says:
verily We have written in the Scripture, after the Reminder: My righteous
slaves will inherit the earth: Lo! there is a plain statement for folk who are
devout (21:105-106)