the Murshid-e-Kaamileen do the Tazkiya
of Nafs
, Tasfiyya
of Qalb
, the
preeminence (Tajaliya ) of Ruh
(Spirit) and the Takhliyya
of Sirr
just for the
sake of Allah. Their prime intension is that the Seeker
of Allah
may become slave of Allah
become Waasil
with God Almighty after seeking Hidayat.
that everything can be prepared if prepared and becomes better if betterment is
done to it but the betterment and beatification of the human being is tough and
hard thing but when one out of thousands of Seekers becomes bettered and
beatification like a bride in the form of a real and Inwardly
son of Adam
through the hands of some Kaamil
Beautician, then even the Angels praise him in
aloud and fall in his love and give him much respect and reverence.
says: So,
when I have made him and have breathed into him of My spirit, do you fall down,
prostrating yourselves unto him (15:29)

Beloved! Every that foot that enters Yours lane, gains the status of head,
And the demands and quests of both the Worlds are achieved by it,
we all are like copper, O Lord
copper, which touches Kimiya-Akseer
, becomes gold.

people believe that Tasawvuf
is just a collection of superstitions and thoughts
and the People-of-Tasawvuf
see their thoughts and superstitions in a virtual
reflection during the dream they see and the Muraqiba
they undertake but it
should be kept in mind well that the real affair of the Tasawvuf
is beyond the
scope of dream and thought, absolutely free of doubt and suspicion and there is
not interference of Waham
and surmise in it. There is a solid world like the
true dawn where shines that True Sun which dispels and removes every darkness
of all Waham
and surmise, Khatraat
and attachments (with devotional conations).
person who virtually dies in this material world narrow and dim sensual dark
like uterus, he takes birth in this real, spiritual, eternal and luminous world
like a Incorporeal bright child. After long time, when his that Noori
Virtual Bulk
has grown up and become wise with the Aqal-e-Qulli and has learnt
the Inwardly
Language from the Inwardly
Mother, he then becomes aware of the
name of the things there and the facts thereof. Thenceforth he hears and
understands the conversations of the Spiritual and Inwardly
Persons there. It
acquires the Inwardly
Uloom directly as from one bosom to the next bosom and as
from one gaze
to the next gaze
from the Inwardly
Academies and Spiritual
Colleges. At that time, his affair crosses the stage of suspicion and doubt and
the degree of his Yaqeen
reaches up to the Ain-ul-Yaqeen
from the
Ilm-ul-Yaqeen. The case of such Saalik
reaches to the stage of the Deed
(seeing) from Shaneed
(hearing); to Raseed (reaching) from Deed (seeing) and to
Yaaft (finding) from the Raseed (reaching). This is called the Haq-ul-Yaqeen
people, who have been leading a life like an animal and have followed no other
exercise except eating and drinking and have spent all their life in this
material world like a blind toad of a well, what will they know the infinitely
extensive Spiritual World?
blessed and virtuous Seeker! If you need the eternal life of perpetuity and the
Marifat, Qurb
, Mushahida
, Wisaal
and Didaar
of Allah
is in your destiny, then you should drown
into the Zikr
of Allah
Almighty and learn this compulsory and minutely precise
from some Kaamil
Teacher so that may achieve the purpose of life in world
and may reach your original detonation and after getting the Eternal-Life
existence) in this Bounteous Abode, may successfully receive such Degrees and
the Inwardly
Tastes which have never been seen by eyes, heard by ears or
thought or guessed by heart of any person. Remember that without the
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
the heart of a person does not
receive life nor does the Inwardly
open nor are achieved the Qurb
, Mushahida
, Wisaal
and Didaar
of Allah
Almighty no matter even if a person exercises hard
and Riyazat
of different kinds and always remains Qaim-ul-Lail
the nightlong in worship) and Saim ud Dahar (keeps indefinite Fast) because the
physical deeds and the Obedience and servitude can just purify the Nafs
and the heart remains same as dark and dead as before.