method is that one should imagine his eyes like two glasses of spectacles and
should Inscribe and Emboss the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
from inside on these
round glasses of spectacles and in similar way, he should write, mentally through
the pen of imagination, the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
from inside, facing
outside, from every organ and chamber of the body. Moreover, there are five
for Inscribing the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
in the brain. And he
should Inscribe Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
through Visualization
on one
on forehead; one on every eye; one on every ear; one on the nose and
one on the tongue. The method of Inscribing the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
on heart is that he should imagine his heart like a glass chimney of a lamp
hanging on his left flank and should write on its surface the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
and the Name Muhammad
Sal Allahu Alaihe Wa
Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
through imagination and
thinking. Some persons Inscribe and write the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
on their heart through Visualization
that they imagine they round hole on the
thick end of the heart like a round circle and Inscribe the Name Allah
inside it. That is, they
imagine the organ of heart like a half blossomed bud of rose and Inscribe the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
in the round circular opening of it. When the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
has been Inscribed on heart, the Subtlety
of heart opens like the bud of rose
due to which Seven Noori
Subtleties blossom like the corolla of fresh and
fragrant red petals around the heart and each Subtlety
shines brightly with the
of the Seven Caliber
of the Zaat
(The Essence) of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
Following is the Naqsh:

the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
has been Inscribed on an organ of body, a
of Noor
is emanated from it and the Subtlety
of that Station
speaking pronunciation the Zikr
of Allah
or the Kalimah-e-Tayyeb
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolu-Allah and that organ gets wrapped in the cover
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
and the Subtlety
inside it become alive and
Living with the Zikr
of Allah
the Seeker
of Allah
should Inscribe the Name Allah
on his both flanks of body and on both palms
and also should Inscribe the Name Allah
on the seat of navel. The Seeker
imagine his earthly body a dress which being put on by the Spirit
and soul from
head to toes and the print of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
is as if been Imprinted
on it from underside at different stations
of body and the Seeker
imagine himself as if he has entered inside that cover and is sitting inside
this dress and should Exercise
rolling his imaginary finger from inside on the
Inscribed Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
through Visualization
from every Station.
Almighty says: "Therefore, remember Me, I will remember you" (2:152)
. We have already
explained and given our commentary on this sacred verse already that 'with
whatever Name of Caliber
of Allah
and organ we commemorate Allah
Almighty sends the Electricity of His that very Name in that very organ
through which He was Remembered and that organ becomes alive, bright and
illuminated through the Noor
of Allah
as has come in a Hadis
of Sahih Bukhari:
(Saying of the
Holy Prophet of Allah
Sal Allahu Alaihe
Wa Aa-lehee Wa-sallam
Salve approaches so much Near Me through abundance of Zikr
and Nawafil
(Optional Worship) that I become his eyes, and he sees through Me; I become his
ears, and he hears through Me; I become his hands and feet, and he grips and
walk through Me.

short, from Allah's becoming the organs and limbs of His Zaakir
Devout slave is
implied that the Noori
Letters of Allah's Names get Inscribe on all the organs
of the Arif
Saalik and all his body parts and brain turn Living and bright
through the Noor
of the Name-Allah-the-Essence
(Ism-e-Allah-Zaat )
as has been portrayed in
the following Naqsh: